meet the plants

Somatic herbal coNsultations

Plants are powerful allies and can assist us on our healing journey. Consultations take into account all facets of a person’s life. As such, herbal remedies, as well as lifestyle adjustments, will be offered that specifically address each individual’s needs.

What you Get

  • A free 30-minute consultation so we can make sure this is a good fit. On this call, we’ll look at what you want to get support with and what your goals are. If we feel like a good match, we’ll co-create a plan to get you there.

  • Thoughtful recommendations for the kinds of modalities and timeframe that would best meet your needs, so you can get the absolute most out of our work together.

  •  A wide array of holistic tools, that weave together science and tradition, you can call on when you’re struggling, so you feel empowered to improve your well-being.

  •  The opportunity to shape the plan so you can maintain autonomy and agency throughout the whole process.

  •  A minimum of 4 sessions of co-created, customized, somatic work, so you can experience the full impact of the work we do together.

  • Practices and rituals you can easily do at home, so you can continue to care for yourself between and beyond our time together.

*Available in person or via video conferencing.


$500 total or four payments of $125

Includes all session work, practices for the times in between appointments, and email access to me in between sessions .

*Herbal support will be an additional modest charge and may be outsourced.